  1. Determine both what the text says explicitly and what can be inferred logically from the text.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Support or challenge assertions about the text by citing evidence in the text explicitly and accurately.


College Readiness
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Discern the most important ideas, events, or information, and summarize them accurately and concisely.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Delineate the main ideas or themes in the text and the details that elaborate and support them.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Determine when, where, and why events unfold in the text, and explain how they relate to one another.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Analyze the traits, motivations, and thoughts of individuals in fiction and nonfiction based on how they are described, what they say and do, and how they interact.


College Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Determine what is meant by words and phrases in context, including connotative meanings and figurative language.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Analyze how specific word choices shape the meaning and tone of the text.


College Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Analyze how the text's organizational structure presents the argument, explanation, or narrative.


College Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Analyze how specific details and larger portions of the text contribute to the meaning of the text.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Synthesize data, diagrams, maps, and other visual elements with words in the text to further comprehension.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Extract key information efficiently in print and online using text features and search techniques.


College Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Ascertain the origin, credibility, and accuracy of print and online sources.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Evaluate the reasoning and rhetoric that support an argument or explanation, including assessing whether the evidence provided is relevant and sufficient.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Analyze how two or more texts with different styles, points of view, or arguments address similar topics or themes.


College Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Draw upon relevant prior knowledge to enhance comprehension, and note when the text expands on or challenges that knowledge.


Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Apply knowledge and concepts gained through reading to build a more coherent understanding of a subject, inform reading of additional texts, and to solve problems.


College Readiness
Career Readiness
Illustrative International Benchmarks
Illustrative Alignment with State and Other Standards
  1. Demonstrate facility with the specific reading demands of texts drawn from different disciplines, including history, literature, science, and mathematics.


Disciplinary Literacy Research